: Bernhard Willi Engelreich
: Justice in the shadow of the law and in the light of God God loves all people and excludes no one
: novum premium Verlag
: 9781642684209
: 1
: CHF 18.10
: Erzählende Literatur
: English
: 220
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
Future, present and past congruent, our being explodes into this harmony. We marvel at the view into unknown worlds before time and in the Garden of Eden of time without any injustice. Where do we come from, where are we going, what is justice and is there 'the' truth? The hunt for the answer to these questions is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, a leap from the innermost to the outermost. Let us take you on an astonishing journey through space and time. Encounters with celebrities promise new perspectives. Challenging derivations, but also humorous parables lead to insight! Office and dignity, rank and name are relativized in the haze of humanity, religions prove controversial to God through the connections!

- Ch.10- Sacrilege, or misunderstood? -

Now without transition, but with the realization that we must not look up at people who fall backwards in a soulful way, sects. But of course we are allowed to fall on our noses, that's not a bad thing if we get up and avoid falling again for the same reason, it keeps us safe! So go on ...

... and back to the terminology, detailed work is still necessary. Also and especially after the great speech, after the tugging at the Holy See. But the Holy See does not need to be asked for forgiveness if you speak the truth or write it down as we have done here.

... rather the other way around, let's wait ...

Even if the truth does not appear objective through the eyes of those who think differently, what comes from the heart and has won the victory on the battlefield of the soul is considered true before God, just as fine gold is sifted, washed, sifted again and weighed!

But now from the Pope back to God, cynically speaking, a very long physical path, or the door next door? If piety were a door at all, or spirituality a shortcut to God's sphere.

No, neither is true, let's stick to it, a very long way, starting from the"institution" church to God. We have already received all the information about God, all the signposts are in place!

What do the names of God mean, how are they to be illuminated, do they describe the aspects, the predicate or just religiosity, i.e. soul fantasy? The name used in each case is already an important part of the information, because it is an identifier. Accordingly, it is already a sign of the direction of the interpretation, because the name aptly describes the person or thing. From foreign languages, however, translation is required and of course no omen can be derived. In foreign languages, our Creator is called Adonai, Zebaoth, Shaddai or even Allah and Jehovah, to name a few examples. Subsequent names such as Yahweh and Elohim are examples with which aspects are given. The addition after the abbreviation, El for God with paraphrases such as El"jon", God of heaven, or El"i", my God, also designates predicates. Language is not unambiguous like a mathematical value, so it is logical that in order to name something unambiguously, we also use paraphrases and context to help us to ensure understanding in the appropriate sense."Glory" used by the Holy Spirit describes the manifestation of God's presence. Lord is derived from the term glory, but it has long been worn out colloquially. Its meaning therefore no longer carries the meaning of God's language. Just as the word"glorify" should actually make it clear to us that we are exalting something to God's dignity, because glorification is only due to our Creator. When he demands 3600 years ago that"you shall have no other gods before me", he is referring to precisely this aspect.

However, dominion must also be understood geographically in order to designate the territory and also the right of a sovereign territory. Here we recognize again that justice is related to the supra-local spatiality of our universe as an a