: Michael E. Habicht, Francesco M. Galassi, Elena Varotto, Cicero Moraes, F. Donald Pate
: Michael E. Habicht
: Under the Seal of the Necropolis 6 - first part Facial reconstruction of the mummy Cairo CG 61076 from the Royal Mummies Cachette DB 320. A princess from the late 18th Dynasty?
: Books on Demand
: 9783752642766
: 1
: CHF 2.40
: Klinische Fächer
: English
: 18
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
Abstract In this paper we investigate the anthropological aspects of the ancient Egyptian mummy Cairo CG 61076 found in the royal cachette of Deir el-Bahari (DB 320) and labelled as Baqt by reassessing the published literature and photographs and producing a facial reconstruction for the first time.

Jahrgang 1974 Dr. Michael E. Habicht, studierte Klassische Archäologie und Ägyptologie den Universitäten Zürich und Basel. Er hat sich auf das Neue Reich, die Königsgräber und Unterweltsbücher, sowie auf die Zeit von Echnaton, Nofretete und Tutanchamun spezialisiert. Dr. Michael E. Habicht, studied Classical Archaeology and Egyptology at the Universities of Zurich and Basel. He specialized in the New Kingdom, the royal tombs and underworld books, as well as in the time of Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tutankhamun. He is Senior Research Fellow (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia) Homepage: https://www.michaelhabicht.in o/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mich el.e.habicht/ Academia: https://flinders.academia.edu MichaelEHabicht