: George Santayana
: Lucifer -- A Theological Tragedy A Play
: Alien Ebooks
: 9781667625607
: 1
: CHF 0.80
: Dramatik
: English
: 180
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

In this play Lucifer sits on a cold desolate planet. There he is the leader of fools and criminals; but Lucifer is very different from that wayward mob. Lucifer's only crime is that he refuses to bow to any god or spirit. For this crime Lucifer is banished to a desolate rock of a planet. There Lucifer is truly alone; for he has no equal among the fools, common criminals and the wayward. The characters in this play include The Risen Christ, Lucifer, Zeus, Hermes and a dozen others.

Remarkable for the high level of its thought and its poetical expression as for the magnitude of its plan.-The Harvard Graduates' Magazine