: Richard Churches, Roger Terry
: NLP for Teachers How to be a Highly Effective Teacher
: Crown House Publishing
: 9781845903503
: 1
: CHF 25.30
: Allgemeines, Lexika
: English
: 240
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
NLP for Teachers covers a wide range of practical tools that will enhance your interpersonal effectiveness and classroom delivery. Find out how both your language and your internal processing affects the behaviour of others around you; Learn some amazing tools and techniques; Take your communication skills to the next level

Dr Richard Churches has been an advanced skills teacher, senior manager in challenging inner-city schools, government adviser, education consultant and Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice at Education Development Trust. He has led many major policy initiatives in England and across the world, and is currently Programme Director for the DfE Future Teaching Scholars programme. His doctoral research was experimental and explored areas of charismatic leadership associated with altered states of consciousness.