: Samuel Beckett
: More Pricks Than Kicks
: Faber& Faber
: 9780571266883
: 1
: CHF 8.40
: Erzählende Literatur
: English
: 223
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
His first published work of fiction (1934), More Pricks Than Kicks is a set of ten interlocked stories, set in Dublin and involving their adrift hero Belacqua in a series of encounters, as woman after woman comes crashing through his solipsism. More Pricks contains in embryo the centrifugal world of Beckett's men and women. She lifted the lobster clear of the table. It had about thirty seconds to live. Well, thought Belacqua, it's a quick death, God help us all. It is not.

Samuel Beckett was born in Dublin in 1906 and graduated from Trinity College. He settled in Paris in 1937, after travels in Germany and periods of residence in London and Dublin. He remained in France during the Second World War and was active in the French Resistance. From the spring of 1946 his plays, novels, short fiction, poetry and criticism were largely written in French. With the production of En attendant Godot in Paris in 1953, Beckett's work began to achieve widespread recognition. During his subsequent career as a playwright and novelist in both French and English he redefined the possibilities of prose fiction and writing for the theatre. Samuel Beckett won the Prix Formentor in 1961 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969. He died in Paris in December 1989.

Where unspecified, translations from French to English or vice versa are by Beckett.

13 AprilSamuel Beckett [Samuel Barclay Beckett] born in ‘Cooldrinagh’, a house in Foxrock, a village south of Dublin, on Good Friday, the second child of William Beckett and May Beckett, née Roe; he is preceded by a brother, Frank Edward, born 26 July 1902.
Enters kindergarten at Ida and Pauline
Elsner’s private academy in Leopardstown.
Attends larger Earlsfort House School in Dublin.
Follows Frank to Portora Royal, a distinguished Protestant boarding school in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (soon to become part of Northern Ireland).
OctoberEnrols at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) to study for an Arts degree.
AugustFirst visit to France, a month-long cycling tour of the Loire Valley.
April–AugustTravels through Florence and Venice, visiting museums, galleries and churches.
DecemberReceives BA in Modern Languages (French and Italian) and graduates first in the First Class.
Jan.–JuneTeaches French and English at Campbell College, Belfast.
SeptemberFirst trip to Germany to visitseventeen-year-old Peggy Sinclair, a cousin on his father’s side, and her family in Kassel.
1 NovemberArrives in Paris as an exchangelecteur at the École Normale Supérieure. Quickly becomes friends with his predecessor, Thomas McGreevy [after 1943, MacGreevy], who introduces Beckett to James Joyce and other influential anglophone writers and publishers.
DecemberSpends Christmas in Ka