: Robert Morris
: Passover to Pentecost Study Guide 50 Days that Changed the World
: Gateway Press
: 9781951227852
: 1
: CHF 9.20
: Christentum
: English
: 160
: kein Kopierschutz
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
THE RESURRECTION WAS JUST THE BEGINNING. Jesus died on the cross and rose again three days later, but what happened next? Many people don't think about the events that transpired between Jesus' death on Passover and the Holy Spirit's arrival on Pentecost. But those 50 days were filled with miracles and revelation for believers across the ages! Join Pastor Robert in this series as he walks through the Scriptures and explains the significance of Passover, Pentecost, and the days in between. You will learn: - The benefits of the Resurrection - The keys to strengthening your faith - The perfect timing of God's promises - The life-giving gift of the Holy Spirit - And more! This study guide is a companion to the DVD/digital download and is designed for individual and group study. Jesus' story doesn't end with the Resurrection. Discover the 50 days that changed the world!



Passover reminds us of when the angel of death passed over the homes marked with the blood of the lamb. The Feast of Passover included unleavened bread and firstfruits, and Jesus fulfilled both at Passover. Jesus is the unleavened bread and firstfruits offering.


What holidays have special or spiritual significance for you?




Watch “Passover.” Think about how the early church celebrated Passover. Consider what Passover means for believers today.

If you’re unable to watch this message, skip to the Read section.





InPassover to Pentecost: 50 Days that Changed the World, I share about the 50 days between Passover (when Jesus died on the cross) and Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit was given to the early believers). After Jesus rose from death, He spent 40 days on the earth. Then He ascended into heaven, and the disciples spent 10 days fasting and seeking God until Pentecost. The first four messages in this series address the 40 days, and the final two messages address the 10 days leading up to Pentecost.

When we think of “Passover,” we often think of a single day on the Jewish calendar—the 14th or 15th day of Nisan, which is pronounced ‘Nye-San.’ Similar to a birthday or Christmas, though, Passover is more than the celebration of a certain calendar day. It’s a celebration of what the day represents. Passover was implemented almost 3,500 years ago and was fulfilled by Jesus almost 2,000 years ago. (I will explain more about this in my first point.)

There were three major feasts in Israel: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. You may have heard that there are seven feasts, which is true. Three feasts are included in Passover (Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits). Then there is the Feast of Pentecost. Finally, three feasts are in included in Tabernacles (Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles).

The three feasts of Passover happened the weekend of Passover 2,000 years ago, and Jesus fulfilled all three. Fifty days later on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and fulfilled Pentecost. Tabernacleswill be fulfilled someday. Trumpets represents the Second Coming, the Day of Atonement represents the Judgment Seat, and Tabernacles represents when God “tabernacles” (lives) with us for all eternity in heaven.

Even though you were not alive when Jesus was on this earth and fulfilled Passover, you can partake in the fulfillment of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits by receiving Jesus as your Savior. Even though you weren’t alive at the time of Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came, you can partake in the fulfillment of Pentecost by allowing the Holy Spirit to take control of your life. Even though you may not be alive when Jesus returns, if you believe in Him, you will partake in the Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles.

By the way, I don’t often preach about the end times, because there are many different views. I do know two things for sure, though. First, Jesus will return. Second, no one knows when (see Matthew 24:36). I once heard Pastor Jack Hayford jokingly say, “I’ve thought man