: Lorraine Bouchard
: Getting to Here A Memoir of Promise, Passion, and Despair
: BookBaby
: 9781667856568
: 1
: CHF 7.60
: Biographien, Autobiographien
: English
: 320
: kein Kopierschutz
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
It's a story that is lusty and enlightening, infuriating and inspiring. It's about a gifted girl who won't shut up about what is wrong with schools, who then goes on to do something about it. It's about a girl of the era of Women's Lib, who fights for its new freedoms and embraces them with gusto. It's about a girl who falls in love with a much older man and whose romance of four decades breaks the rules and builds a legacy. It's about a girl who never suffers fools gladly, and the pain that brings.