: Vojt?ch Kolman, Tereza Mat?j?ková
: Perspectives on the Self Reflexivity in the Humanities
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH& Co.KG
: 9783110698565
: 1
: CHF 0.50
: 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
: English
: 284
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

The volume develops the concepts of the self and its reflexive nature as they are linked to modern thought from Hegel to Luhmann. The moderns are reflexive in a double sense: they create themselves by self-reflexivity and make their world - society - in their own image. That the social world is reflexive means that it is made up of non-subjective (or supra-subjective) communication. The volume's contributors analyze this double reflexivity, of the self and society, from an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing both on individual and social narratives. This broad, interdisciplinary approach is a distinctive mark of the entire project. The volume will be structured around the following axes: Self-making and reflexivity - theoretical topics; Social self and the modern world; Literature - self and narrativity; Creative Self - text and fine art. Among the contributors are some of the most renowned specialists in their respective fields, including J. F. Kervégan, B. Zabel, P. Stekeler-Weithofer, I. James, L. Kvasz, H. Ikäheimo and others.

Vojt?ch Kolman andTereza Mat?j?ková, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.