: Edgar Rice Burroughs
: Tarzan and the Lost Empire
: Phoemixx Classics Ebooks
: 9783986470135
: 1
: CHF 3.30
: Anthologien
: English
: 222
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
Tarzan and the Lost Empire Edgar Rice Burroughs - Erich von Harben, a young German specialised in archaeology and dead languages, with a passion for mountain climbing starts investigating the legend of The Lost Tribe of the Wiramwazi Mountains and disappears. His father meets and asks Tarzan for help. Tarzan in his search for Erich von Harben finds a lost remnant of the Roman Empire hidden in the mountains of Africa. They are inhabitants of two rival cities Castra Sanguinarius, ruled by Sublatus Imperator, and Castrum Mare, ruled by Validus Augustus.

Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan and the heroic John Carter, although he produced works in many genres.