: Werner Zurek
: The noble Polish families of the coat of arms of Abdank. Die adligen polnischen Familien des Wappens Abdank.
: Books on Demand
: 9783753445502
: 1
: CHF 4.40
: Lexika, Enzyklopädien
: German
: 336
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: ePUB
Die adligen Familien des ABDANK Wappens. Ein Sammelsurium.

Werner Zurek, Genealoge und Heraldiker. Polnischer Adel, seine Wappen und Familien.

The noble Polish families of the coat of arms of Abdank.  

 Die adligen polnischen Familien des Wappens Abdank.

In a red field a floating silver bar broken in the shape of a W; Helmet ornament: an identical bar. The origin of this coat of arms is legendary. in the time of Prince Krakus withdrawn (700) and said: A direct man name Skuba did the Prince Krakus is one of the means that in a cave of the Castle Hill Wawel in Cracow lives end and the other Genden and the Vice Genden and the Vice Genden dracür a Prince W, received as the first letter of Wawel or of Waz (the snake) as a coat of arms. After this first claim, the coat of arms was called Skuba . -                Then it is said, be it a coat of arms City brave man Skuba ver - borrowed Worden, one under the eyes of Prince starkenigen Germans courageously 've heard probably pagan in advance time. It must be given to this, that there was in pagan times in Poland, nor any other arms, - less little the Slavs at the time of Krakus a written language, known also not a W. It is more correct that e dinies field - sign was and that a coat of arms is locked                            imagined should know al the earliest times hung on the doors in order to close these he - urgent cases of the intervening freedom bolt; The key also had a serrated shape to provide boxes. Noting that a recognized bar * in the Polish Skobel also Skubel is, then is the name Skuba deduce the part of the coat of arms belongs. King Boleslaw III In 1109, before the battle on the Hundsfeld, Jan Skuba de Gora sent the Emperor Heinrich V to give him a peace. The emperor has a particular board under the condition when the Poles to submit lehnspflichtig for all time, and his words emphatically to give to the Messenger a undenelden, aufendüllten Däschen, aufendüllten envoy a undenelden, aufendüllten Gesanden, aufendüllten Enter, aufendüllten the Poles ! "These scornful words belonged to the Poles, he pulled his ring with the Skuba coat of arms off his finger and said:" So let's add gold to gold! "In the treasure chest , around which should be understood that gold, however much it may be, the Poles do not have to pay for. Understanding this answer, the Emperor disguised his displeasure with a certain affability and said to Dust:"Thank you! « - From this time the coat of arms was called Habdank, from which in Polish pronunciation became Abdank . Sometimes the mutilated names Awdancz and Gewdancz can also be found. To commemorate this event, Jan Skuba was called S karbek (from treasure, the treasure) by the king , his name now became his family name, also the name of the coat of arms. The seat of the War heraldic tribe in the Krakow Voivodeship. For this crest caused by Ver - mehrung the coat of arms - Syrokomla. The coat of arms Abdank expected to die: Ablamowic, Abramowicz, Ankwitz, Bardzinski, Beszewski, Beynart Bialobrzeski, Bialopiotrowicz, Bialoskorski, Bielinski, Bogucki, Boguslavsky, Bolinski, Borowski, Borzykowski, Borzyminski, Budzki Chalecki, Chamiec, Chojenski, Chorynski, Chorzewski, Cieklinski, Cieslinski, Cieglinski, Czachorowski, Czachorski, Czahorski, Dzarkowski, Czelatycki, Czeschaw, Dabrowski, Debinski, Dloto, Dobrowski , Gembar - Zewski, Gorski, Grocholski, Hankiewicz, Haraburda, Hromyka, Ilgowski, Jankiewicz, Jankwicz , Jazłowiecka , JedIenski , Jugoszewski , Jurkowski , Kaczycki , Kaimir , Karnicki , Karski Kazim, Kossowski Kowalski, Kozietulski , Kozubski , Krobanowski , Kruszewski , Krzywińskie , Kunicki , Leszczynski, Lewikowski , Lidzbinski , Lipski, Lubjanka , Lasicki , Lubnicki , Machowski, Magnuski , Malezewski , Malechowski , Mianowski , Mieczykowski , Nicholas , Milewski Milkowski, Mlynkowski , Narbut , Obornicki , Oborský , Odechowski , Oporowski , Orlikowski , Ossowski Piotrowski, Piotrowski Piwka , Pniowski , Pomorski , Posadowski , Probolowski , Przeborowski                                                                                                                                                                                               , Przezwicki , Psarskie , Puczniewski , Pukoszek , Radohski , Raduńskie, Radzanowski , Radziatkowski , Rajmir , Razek , Regowski , Rekowski, Rogowski, Sczyjenski , Skarbek , Skorashevski , Skoroszewski , Scuba , anyway , straw Słomowski , Slomski , Stysz , Sokulski , Starosiedliski , Starosielski , Starski , Suchodolski , Tworowski , Tworzyanski , Ustarbowski , Warakowski , Warszycki , Wat, Wazynski , Widawski , Wi Elobycki , Wigerski , Wiszowaty , Wojenkowski , Wojewódzki , Volchek , Volyn , Woszczyński , Woyczynski , you Howski Zawadzki, Zytynski .                                                                                         

Verstehungsberechtigt the arms of the Ustarbowski, Labianski and Wiserski: over the Abdank a Goldnes double cross over which a star; Helmet decoration : three ostrich feathers - the Machowski, Buczacki and Jaztowiecki: the helmet decoration is a half-growing lion, the abdication - coat of arms in the paws belong; this helmet jewelry he - held Mikolaj Machowski by the Kaiser Karl itself against the Turks, - - the Chalecki the Abdank - sign is above with an arrow, Helmet jewelry is shot through a Geier wing, from left to right by an arrow, - the Jlgowski and Karnicki . the Abdank - chara