: Rosie Jackson
: The Complete Seraphin Messages, Volume 4 Ten years of telepathic communication with an angel
: Books on Demand
: 9783752616897
: 1
: CHF 5.60
: Spiritualität
: English
: 248
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES, Volume 4 Will locked minds worldwide cause global standstill? Why is this period in our planetary history so important? Where is all this leading to? Where can we find help? Will our world ever experience a period of peace and security? The angel SERAPHIN shows that we are not alone. He provides answers to all these questions, and many more, in this fourth volume of The Complete Seraphin Messages - a documentation of 400 conversations with the artist and author, Rosie Jackson. Imagine talking to a person of great wisdom who always listens, always offers impeccable advice, always exercises compassion and always explains everything with ultimate patience. Seraphin is a loving celestial being who is very familiar with the current situation on earth, and with its inhabitants. He takes us by the hand and shows us the way back to our own inner truth, thus furthering our soul growth. A very enlightening read for anyone who has the distinct impression that there is something terribly wrong with this world, and who wants to find out the true reasons, as well as the true solutions which are in accordance with the GREATER COSMIC PLAN."Coming into the PANORAMIC VIEW will eventually turn you into PANORAMIC HUMANKIND, seeing, hearing and knowing everything. You will burst out of century-old shackles holding you in bondage, to emerge as a NEW SPECIES. You will extend ONLY LOVE to all. You will GIVE THANKS continuously. You will praise the day you lost everything to gain everything"

Rosie Jackson is an author, artist, composer and the founder of The Spiritual Revolution Project. This encompasses paintings, music, videos, books and seminars to develop self-awareness. Teaching spiritual principles to promote consciousness, her music and art are powerful catalysts of spiritual uplift. Her Unity Tarot illustrates the transformation of 100 global villagers in 2 large paintings and 100 written biographies. Since 2010, Rosie Jackson has been receiving telepathic messages and visions from the angel, Seraphin. These communications urge us to protect our earth and show us how paradise on earth can be achieved. The messages are presently available in English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Korean. Born in England, Rosie Jackson studied German and French and qualified as a teacher. She has worked as an instructor in China, and as a translator, designer and editor for publishing houses and companies in Europe. She now works freelance as an artist, author and spiritual teacher in Germany and Italy. rosie@rosiejackson.de.

Seraphin Message 356:

Through Rosie, 23rd October 2018

There are so many basic questions, dear citizens of earth, which require urgent attention and reflection, and it is imperative to understand that present circumstances are not “normal” but are the result of centuries of misunderstanding, miscalculations, mistrust, meddling and mysterious occurrences. We would ask you to thoroughly investigate all “mysterious occurrences” - inexplicable happenings – which you have encountered in your lifetime, starting from the very start – from the Easter bunny and Father Christmas who used to appear, but then suddenly “died away” when you were considered “too old” to be taken in any more.

What myths and stories are you presently being “taken in” by? We will hint that the majority of what is now occurring on earth is NOT AS IT SEEMS, but a cover for something else, or to distract you from knowing the truth. The degree to which you are distracted is UNBELIEVABLE as we watch you from afar on your earth plane. For us, it is SO OBVIOUS that many of you are being duped, are being swayed by propaganda, are being deliberately prevented from entering into your TRUE HERITAGE, which is a DIVINE HERITAGE – if we may make so bold as to use this terminology, in view of the fact that so much on your world has descended into the PROFANE.

At the same time, ALL THAT IS SACRED has been either stolen from you or eradicated out of your memories. Yes, mind control is THAT GOOD AND EFFICIENT. Constant repetition and skilled advertising is ALL IT NEEDS to sway you. Why? Because you are cut off from your DIVINE ROOTS and because you refuse to believe that the godly fragment and messenger INSIDE YOURSELF is actually real. Yet again we ask you to go into stillness – if that is possible on your noisy and crowded earth – and tear down all barriers which separate you – the divisions into nations, religions, sexes, social classes, and whatever other clever ideas your overlords have come up with to make you “divide and fall”.

Imagine that you are walking through a crowd of people from all walks of life, and that you might notice outward differences – but that you recognize all of them FIRST AND FOREMOST AS A DIVINE HUMAN BEING WITH A MISSION ON THIS EARTH. Following great changes, this will be exactly your situation. You will no longer be distracted by differences, you will seek ONLY to join together with your fellow humans to create a NEW SOCIETY. What would that look like ideally? You can prepare for this situation by imagining a world devoid of money, political parties, wars and hostilities of any kind. Think well, for you will be called upon.

As the situation becomes more acute on the world stage, as well as on all personal fronts, know that all this has resulted from OLD DECISIONS, and that NEW DECISIONS are required in order to achieve a different outcome. There is no point in continuing along the same road, walking as if blindfolded, living a peaceful life with like souls, but being largely unconnected to all others.


will be the words which resound the world over during this


We will, as already noted, give you a “jump-start”, but you are those who will carry this mission to its final conclusion, securing PEACE AND PROSPERITY ON EARTH. That is all, so we shall close for today. Seraphin

Seraphin Message 357:

Through Rosie, 3rd November 2018

On your earth plane, the word TRANSFORMATION is frequently used to signify a dramatic change, but we say to you that nothing (unless it is our words and those of others of the celestial administration who bestow their communications on you) can prepare you for the enormity of the transformation which awaits you, both in your material world and in your state of KNOWING. Your increase in consciousness and your newfound adherence to ethical principles is actually the pivot which will cause transformation on the “outside”.

Transformation is often seen by you as one stage of rapid development, but again we say to you that you will undergo many stages and thus many “transformations”. There is nothing finite about this – just eternal movement through time while simultaneously perfecting yo