: Mantou Jun
: Production method and recipe of duck meat
: Blue Earth
: 9783969699430
: 1
: CHF 2.80
: Allgemeine Kochbücher, Grundkochbücher
: Chinese
: 74
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
We usually eat more chicken, you know? Duck meat is actually similar to chicken, and because ducks live in water, duck meat is more delicious and has high nutritional value. In terms of cooking, duck also has its own unique features. For example, the most famous Beijing roast duck is a very delicious and characteristic food. This book will give you a detailed introduction to the production methods of Beijing roast duck. In addition to Beijing roast duck, there are many cooking methods for duck meat, which are also delicious.