: Wallace Wang
: Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 5 Exploring the iOS SDK
: Apress
: 9781484248652
: 5
: CHF 39.70
: Betriebssysteme, Benutzeroberflächen
: English
: 653
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Learn how to integrate all the interface elements iOS users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. In this edition of the best selling book, you'll also learn about touch gestures, table views, and collection views for displaying data on a user interface. 

Assumi g little or no working knowledge of the Swift programming language, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a comprehensive course in iPhone and iPad programming. The book starts with a gentle introduction to using Xcode and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application.

You'll start with designing basic user interfaces and then explore more sophisticated ones that involve multiple screens such as navigation controllers, tab bars, tool bars, page views, and split views&nbs ;that are particularly useful on the larger screens of the iPad and certain iPhone models. And there's much more!

Begi ning iPhone Development with Swift 5 covers the basic information you need to get up and running quickly to turn your great ideas into working iOS apps. Once you're ready, move on to Pro iPhone Development with Swift 5 to learn more of the really unique aspects of iOS programming and the Swift language.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover what data persistence is, and why it's important
  • Build cool, crisp user interfaces
  • Display data in Table Views
  • Work with all the most commonly used iOS Frameworks

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    Who This Book is For

    < iv>Aspiring iOS app developers new to the Apple Swift programming language and/or the iOS SDK. 

    Wallace Wang is a former Windows enthusiast who took one look at Vista and realized that the future of computing belonged to the Mac. He s written more than 40 computer books, including Microsoft Office for Dummies, Beginning Programming for Dummies, Steal This Computer Book, My New Mac, and My New iPad. In addition to programming the Mac and iPhone/iPad, he also performs stand-up comedy, having appeared on A&E s 'Evening at the Improv,' and having performed in Las Vegas at the Riviera Comedy Club at the Riviera Hotel& Casino. When he's not writing computer books or performing stand-up comedy, he also enjoys blogging about screenwriting at his site, The 15 Minute Movie Method, where he shares screenwriting tips with other aspiring screenwriters who all share the goal of breaking into Hollywood.

    Table of Contents5
    About the Author12
    About the Technical Reviewer13
    Chapter 1: Understanding iOS Programming14
    Learning About Xcode18
    Chapter 2: Designing User Interfaces34
    Learning About Views and Class Files45
    Working with Different Screen Sizes52
    Previewing the User Interface58
    Chapter 3: Writing Swift Code64
    Creating IBOutlet Variables66
    Creating IBAction Methods73
    Using Apple s Frameworks78
    Using the Xcode Editor80
    Getting Help with Swift Commands82
    Folding and Unfolding Functions84
    Chapter 4: Using Xcode86
    Changing Xcode s Appearance86
    The Navigator Pane87
    The Toolbar91
    The Tab Bar95
    Marking Swift Code97
    Renaming and Deleting IBOutlet Variables100
    Chapter 5: Working with Controllers105
    Understanding Controllers105
    Working with Multiple Controllers111
    Transitioning Between Controllers114
    Embedding in a Navigation Controller120
    Using a Navigation Controller124
    Chapter 6: Adding User Interface Objects128
    Changing the Size and Position of Objects129
    Changing an Object s Attributes133
    Understanding the Safe Area135
    Defining Constraints139
    Defining Constraints Automatically140
    Viewing and Deleting Constraints144
    Adding Constraints Manually146
    Using Stack Views154
    Chapter 7: Using Common User Interface Objects160
    Using Labels162
    Using Text Fields172
    Defining Different Keyboards180
    Defining the Content of a Text Field182
    Modifying the Appearance of a Text Field185
    Using Buttons189
    Chapter 8: Steppers, Sliders, Progress Views, and Activity Indicator Views193
    Using Steppers194
    Using Sliders200
    Modifying a Slider with Swift Code203
    Using the Progress and Activity Indicator Views205
    Using a Progress View209
    Chapter 9: Image Views and Text Views215
    Using Image Views215
    Making the Image View Interactive220
    Using a Text View223
    Changing Text Appearance in a Text View227
    Creating Clickable Text in a Text View229
    Displaying the Virtual Keyboard with a Text View232
    Chapter 10: Buttons, Switches, and Segmented Controls237
    Understanding Events238
    Using Buttons239
    Using a Switch242
    Using a Segmented Control246
    Connecting Multiple Objects to the Same IBAction Method251
    Chapter 11: Touch Gestures263
    Detecting Tap Gestures264
    Detecting Pinch Gestures273
    Detecting Rotation Gestures280
    Detecting Pan Gestures287
    Detecting Screen Edge Pan Gestures294
    Detecting Swipe Gestures301
    Detecting Long Press Gestures310
    Chapter 12: Using Alerts and Pickers317
    Using an Alert Controller318
    Displaying and Responding to Multiple Buttons321
    Displaying a Text Field on an Alert Controller325
    Using a Date Picker330
    Creating a Custom Picker337
    Displaying a Multiple-Component Picker View343
    Chapter 13: Constraints and Stack Views350
    Understanding Constraints351
    Using Stack Views362
    Chapter 14: Using Table Views370
    Creating a Simple Table View371
    Selecting an Item in a Table View383
    Creating Grouped Tables386
    Displaying Indexes396
    Using a Table View Controller404
    Chapter 15: Customizing Table View Cells414
    Customizing a Table View Cell in Swift415
    Designing a Custom Table View Cell424
    Swipe to Add and Delete a Row435