: Grace Goodwin
: Cyborg Fever
: KSA Publishing Consultants, Inc.
: 6610000112913
: 1
: CHF 4.80
: Erzählende Literatur
: English
: 208
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

Warlord Anghar survives hell as a captive of the evil Hive. Convinced he will never break free, he chooses death over dishonor. When the Coalition ReCon Team sent to kill him frees him instead, he begins the long, tortuous journey back to a true Atlan, a warrior proud of his beast, of his service.
But no amount of honor, of bravery, or strength of will can save Angh from a life alone, banished with the other 'contaminated' warriors on The Colony. And no amount of prayer to the gods will save him when the fever in his blood grows beyond his will to control - and the Atlan Mating Fever steals his final shards of belief.
Imprisoned, awaiting execution, one hope is left; a woman brave enough to tame his beast - and strong enough to fight the demons inside both his head and his heart. Because he may have escaped the Hive...but they aren't finished with him yet.

Chapter One

I see the way you’re panting after him. I don’t blame you; that Atlan is so damned hot.” Hearing the words come out in my friend’s cute German accent almost made me burst into laughter. Years of discipline savedme.

I turned and glared at Melody, gave her my infamous instructor narrowed-eyes look. Actually, it was myDon’t-Fuck-With-Me cop face, but she didn’t know that. It had worked pretty well on the streets of Toronto, but Melody was a friend, and apparently, unaffected by my hard-wonglare.

She glanced from the Atlan warlord, who was about to fight in the pit, to me, giving me that all-too familiar sweet and innocent look. “What? Don’t tell me I’m wrong. You’re eyeing him like an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet backhome.”

I turned back to the scene before us, pursing my lips and hoping my cheeks weren’t turning bright red. While I refused to admit it, my Earth friend—and senior cadet—was right. The Atlanwas one fine male specimen. Tall, dark and handsome wasn’t enough to do him justice. He had to be close to seven feet tall with a physique that made me think he ate Crossfitters back home for breakfast. But since he was standing—shirt off, I might add—in a fighting pit, he had the hard edges, the cut muscles, of a male who’d survived ruthless action. Battle. Devastation. He was scarred, and those scars made me hot. So freaking hot. I wanted to trace every single one of them with mytongue.

He had cyborg parts like the rest of them on The Colony—both of his arms were covered in the shining silver of circuitry and muscle implants. He had a thick scar on the back of his neck, but I had no idea if that was from the Hive or something that had happened in battle. After almost a year of bringing recruits to The Colony for training, I was used to seeing the silver parts of the warriors who lived here. I was no