: Deepak Vohra
: Apache HBase Primer
: Apress
: 9781484224243
: 1
: CHF 22.80
: Datenkommunikation, Netzwerke
: English
: 151
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
Learn the fundamental foundations and concepts of the Apache HBase (NoSQL) open source database. It covers the HBase data model, architecture, schema design, API, and administration.

Apac e HBase is the database for the Apache Hadoop framework. HBase is a column family based NoSQL database that provides a flexible schema model.

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What You'll Learn

  • Work with the core concepts of HBase
  • Discover the HBase data model, schema design, and architecture
  • Use the HBase API and administration

Who This Book Is For

pache HBase (NoSQL) database users, designers, developers, and admins.


Deepak Vohra is an experienced web and cloud platform developer, NuBean consultant and a Sun Certified Java Programmer. He actively uses HBase, Hadoop, Cloudbase, Docker and related NoSQL and big data computing development platforms.