: Svend Hollensen, Marc Oliver Opresnik
: Marketing A Relationship Perspective
: Verlag Franz Vahlen
: 9783800649297
: 2
: CHF 27.00
: Einzelne Wirtschaftszweige, Branchen
: English
: 502
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
Das Marketing-Lehrbuch in englischer Sprache, zugeschnitten auf den europäischen Markt. Mit zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben, Vertiefungsfragen, Praxisbeispielen und Fallstudien: 'Marketing - A Relationship Perspective' is back for a second edition and continues to set a benchmark for achievement in introductory marketing courses across Europe. It is a comprehensive, broad-based and challenging basic marketing text which describes and analyses the basic concepts and strategic role of marketing and its practical application in managerial decision-making. It integrates the 'new' relationship approach into the traditional process of developing effective marketing plans. The book's structure fits to the marketing planning process of a company. Consequently, the book looks at the marketing management process from the perspective of both relational and transactional approach suggesting that a company should in any case pursue an integrative and situational marketing management approach. Svend Hollensen's and Marc Opresnik's holistic approach covers both principles and practices, is drawn in equal measure from research and application, and is an ideal text for students, researchers and practitioners alike.
To content / To the authors331
Preface to the Second Edition4
Brief contents11
Detailed contents12
1. Fundamentals of Relationship Marketing16
1.1 The Evolution of Relationship Marketing17
1.2 Definition of Relationship Marketing22
1.3 Relationship Economics23
1.4 Relationship Drivers28
1.5 Relationship Marketing as an Integrative Management Approach35
1.6 Fundamentals of Marketing Planning38
2. Situational Analysis in the Marketing Planning Process58
2.1 Marketing Research59
2.1.1 Introduction59
2.1.2 Linking Marketing Research to the Decision-Making Process59
2.1.3 Secondary Research62
2.1.4 Primary Research67
2.1.5 Online (Internet) Primary Research Methods79
2.1.6 Other Types of Market Research81
2.1.7 Setting up a Marketing Information System (MIS)85
2.1.8 Marketing Research based on Web 2.087
2.2 Assessing the Internal Marketing Situation88
2.2.1 Internal Relationships88
2.2.2 Market Orientation View (MOV)91
2.2.3 Resource Based View (RBV)93
2.2.4 Major Sources of Competitive Advantage100
2.3 Assessing the External Marketing Situation106
2.3.1 PEST Analysis106
2.3.2 External Relationships to Stakeholders in the Value Net112 Relationships with Suppliers113 Relationships with Customers115 Relationships with Partners/Complementors117 Relationships with Competitors118 Other External Relationships119
2.4 Analyzing Buying Behaviour on the B2C Market120
2.5 Analyzing Buying Behaviour on the B2B Market125
2.6 Comparing B2B and B2C Markets128
2.7 SWOT Analysis129
2.7.1 Elements of a SWOT Analysis130
2.7.2 Matching and Converging in the SWOT Matrix130
2.7.3 Application of the SWOT Analysis131
2.7.4 Required Analysis132
2.7.5 Benefits and Barriers for Conducting a SWOT Analysis133
2.7.6 Multilevel SWOT Analysis134
3. Strategy Formulation in the Marketing Planning Process154
3.1 Strategic Marketing Planning155
3.1.1 Vision and Mission Statement156
3.1.2 Strategic Objectives158
3.1.3 Estimation of the Planning Gap and Problem Diagnosis159
3.1.4 The Search for Strategy Alternatives for Closing Planning Gap161
3.1.5 Ansoff’s Generic Strategies for Growth161
3.1.6 Porter’s Three Generic Strategies165
3.1.7 The BCG Portfolio Matrix Model169
3.1.8 The GE-Matrix Multifactor Portfolio Matrix174
3.1.9 A New Product Portfolio Approach177
3.1.10 Strategy Evaluation and Selection177
3.1.11 Estimating Financial Consequences179
3.2 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning183
3.2.1 The Benefits and Underlying Premises of Market Segmentation183
3.2.2 The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Approach184
3.2.3 Segmenting Consumer Markets (B2C)187
3.2.4 Segmenting the Business Markets (B2B)194
3.2.5 Segmenting International Markets and Countries199
3.2.6 Target Marketing201
3.2.7 Positioning Strategy204
3.2.8 Difficulties of Implementing Segmentation in the Organisation207
4. Marketing Mix in the Marketing Planning Process218
4.1 Product and Service Decisions219
4.1.1 Different Product Levels219
4.1.2 Product and Service Strategies222
4.1.3 Services Marketing226
4.1.4 New Product Development (NPD)232
4.1.5 The Product Life Cycle239
4.1.6 New Products for the International Market241
4.1.7 Branding Strategy244
4.2 Pricing Decisions258
4.2.1 A Pricing Framework259
4.2.2 General Pricing Approaches264 Cost-Based Pricing264 Value-Based Pricing267 Competition-Based Pricing268
4.2.3 Pricing Services vs. Physical Product269
4.2.4 Pricing new Products270
4.2.5 Price Changes272
4.2.6 Experience Curve Pricing273
4.2.7 Product Line Pricing274
4.2.8 Price Bundling275
4.2.9 Segmented Pricing276
4.2.10 International Pricing277
4.2.11 Relationship Pricing278
4.3 Distribution Decisions280
4.3.1 The Role of the Intermediary281
4.3.2 Types of Distribution Channel282
4.3.3 International Market Entry Modes283
4.3.4 Designing and Managing the Channel Structure286
4.3.5 Distributor Portfolio Analysis299
4.3.6 Developing and Managing Relationships between Manufacturer and Distributor299
4.3.7 Vertical Integration in the Distribution Channel301
4.3.8 International Distribution Channel Design305
4.3.9 Multichannel Distribution Systems309
4.3.10 Marketing Logistics and Supply Chain Management312
4.3.11 Retailing and Wholesaling316
4.4 Communication Decisions320
4.4.1 The Communication Process320
4.4.2 The Promotional Mix322
4.4.3 Advertising326 Theories of how Advertising Works326 Developing an Advertising Strategy328 Standardization or Adaptation of Global Advertising338
4.4.4 Sales Promotion339 Major Sales Promotion Tools340 Developing the Sales Promotion Program342
4.4.5 Public Relations343
4.4.6 Sponsorship344
4.4.7 Digital Marketing/Social Media Marketing348
4.4.8 Direct Marketing366 Database Marketing368 Major Direct Marketing Tools369
4.4.9 Person