: Christoph Horn
: Platon: Gesetze/Nomoi
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH& Co.KG
: 9783050064482
: Klassiker AuslegenISSN
: 1
: CHF 21.40
: Antike
: German
: 280
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
Recent research on Plato’sLaws has brought to light a number of new facets of Plato’s political philosophy. Topics adressed in this volume are: the founding of an ideal city called Magnesia, questions on to its legal order, administration, education, the role of men and women, penal law, managing money and theology, and comedy and tragedy. This volume is a compendium of original contributions from 13 recognized Plato scholars.

Christoph Horn, Universit of Bonn, Germany.