: John Staller, Michael Carrasco
: John Staller, Michael Carrasco
: Pre-Columbian Foodways Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781441904713
: 1
: CHF 242.80
: Altertum
: English
: 691
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

The significance of food and feasting to Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures has been extensively studied by archaeologists, anthropologists and art historians. Foodways studies have been critical to our understanding of early agriculture, political economies, and the domestication and management of plants and animals. Scholars from diverse fields have explored the symbolic complexity of food and its preparation, as well as the social importance of feasting in contemporary and historical societies. This book unites these disciplinary perspectives - from the social and biological sciences to art history and epigraphy - creating a work comprehensive in scope, which reveals our increasing understanding of the various roles of foods and cuisines in Mesoamerican cultures.

The volume is organized thematically into three sections. Part 1 gives an overview of food and feasting practices as well as ancient economies in Mesoamerica. Part 2 details ethnographic, epigraphic and isotopic evidence of these practices. Finally, Part 3 presents the metaphoric value of food in Mesoamerican symbolism, ritual, and mythology. The resulting volume provides a thorough, interdisciplinary resource for understanding, food, feasting, and cultural practices in Mesoamerica.

Pre-Columbian Foodways in Mesoamerica12
Mesoamerican Conceptions of Food and Culture14
Cosmology, Mythology, and Time15
Colonial Sources and Perspectives on Mesoamerican Foodways19
Modern Research on Mesoamerican Foodways20
Part I: Agriculture and Social Complexity: The Roles of Feasting and Ritual Economies22
Part II: Ethnography, Ethnobotany, Language and Diet23
Part III: Food as Metaphor: Mythology and Iconography25
Ethnohistoric Sources on Foodways, Feasts, and Festivals in Mesoamerica33
A New World34
Primary, Secondary, and Native Accounts36
Using Ethnohistoric Sources37
Western Conceptions of New World Traditions38
First Impressions39
Mesoamerican Farming Practices47
What Native Americans Ate and Drank49
New World Preparations and Intoxicants54
Early Economy, Markets, and Foodways in New Spain59
Tenochtitlan and the Great Market at Tlaltelolco61
Classification, Storage, and Redistribution65
Mesoamerican Commerce and Foodways66
Food, Feasting, and Mesoamerican Religion67
Roles of Foodways to Feasting and Festivals69
Divine Foods and Their Associated Deities70
Summary and C