: Gennaro Chierchia, K. Fintel, Francis J. Pelletier, Robert J. Stainton, Christopher Viger
: Robert J. Stainton, Christopher Viger
: Compositionality, Context and Semantic Values Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781402083105
: 1
: CHF 81,30
: Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
: English
: 282
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Are natural languages genuinely compositional? What roles does context play in linguistic communication, and by what means? In particular, does context interfere with the compositional determination of truth conditions? What meanings should theorists assign to sentences if compositionality is to be retained? These are the central questions of this important volume of new philosophical essays in honour of Ernie Lepore.

If , Unless , and Quantification15
1 Introduction: Quantified Conditionals and Compositionality15
2 The Puzzle of Quantified Conditionals17
3 The Semantics of Conditionals Containing If 19
4 The Semantics of Conditionals Containing Unless 29
5 Conclusion41
Bridging the Paratactic Gap43
1 Introduction43
2 Davidson s Analysis44
3 Binding Problems50
4 Sentences, Logical Forms and Parataxis 55
5 Conclusion68
Context and What Is Said 71
On the Epistemic Utility of What is Said72
1 Introduction72
2 What is Said and Testimonial Knowledge73
3 Speech Reports76
4 Potential Problem: Testimonial Knowledge and the Context of Speech Reporting78
5 A Dialectical Look at Possible Solutions81
6 Epistemic Intuitions and What is Strictly Said84
7 Conclusion88
In Defense of Context Shifting Arguments90
1 Introduction90
2 The Debate Between Radical Pragmatics and Truth Conditional Semantics91
3 Cappelen and Lepore s Positive Views and the Case of Incomplete Definite Descriptions 95
4 Cappelen and Lepore s Main Argument Against CSAs100
5 Vagueness and a Reductio of the Main Argument101
6 Why the Second Premise of the Main Argument Against CSAs Is False102
7 Conclusion: Cappelen and Lepore Should Endorse CSAs108
Contextualism, Skepticism and Objectivity115
1 Assertion and Context117
2 Knowledge and Belief119
3 Two Uncontroversial Kinds of Context Dependence122
4 Contextualism and the Skeptic124
5 Some Examples129
6 Contextualism and Objectivity132
On Failing to Capture Some (or Even All) of What is Communicated139
1 Introduction139
2 The Problem of Irrelevance141
3 Linguistic Theories as Scientific Theories143
4 Rescuing the Attack on Minimalism?150
5 Conclusion153
Semantic Values155
The Disunity of Truth156
1 In Media Res: Supervaluations156
2 Flashback: Frege s Terminality Argument159
3 Pre-Fregean Semantic Maximalism and Minimalism161
4 The Disunity of Truth165
5 Main Plot: Necessity is a Mode of Truth167
6 Modality and Possible Worlds 172
7 The Emergence of Modal Language173
8 Truth Pointwise and Setwise176
9 What Makes a Mode of Truth a Mode of Truth?178
10 Conclusio Res: Vagueness is a Modality183
11 A Disunified Treatment of Vagueness186
12 Two Objections to Supervaluationism188
13 Dynamic Semantics and the Omniscience Argument191
14 Update, Truth, and Disunity195
Descriptions, Negation, and Focus201
1 Initial Observations203
2 Approaches to Definite Descriptions205
3 Negation and Focus211
4 Improper Descriptions and Negation218
5 Negative Quantifiers222
6 Conclusion224
Evidentials: Some Preliminary Distinctions229
1 Evidential Constructions230
2 Evidence versus Source231
3 The Object of Evidentiality232
4 Singulary or Binary?233
5 Application to Evidentials236
6 Recursion in Binary Constructions237
7 Slifting Diagnostics240
8 Final Questions240
The Direct Expression of Metaphorical Content244
1 Preliminaries244
2 Some Data246
3 A Direct Expression Account of Cappy s Metaphorical Utterance248
4 A Reason for Rejecting a Direct Expression Account?250
5 A Direct Expression Response252
6 Linguistic Communication: Miraculous or Merely Incompletely Understood?258
The Empirical Case for Bare Demonstratives in Vision261
1 Background: Representation in Language and Vision261
2 Some Parallels Between the Study of Vision and Language263
3 What does all this have to do with Connecting Vision and the World?274