: Rafael Art Javier
: The Bilingual Mind Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages
: Springer-Verlag
: 9780387309149
: 1
: CHF 81.30
: Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
: English
: 154
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

This book fills a critical gap in the cross-cultural literature by illuminating the bilingual experience in both its social and clinical contexts. Rafael Javier makes a convincing, empirically founded case for what he terms the bilingual mind, with its own particular approach to cognition, memory, and emotional and social development. Using this framework, he provides answers to important questions about the way bilingualism affects cognition and development.

Rafael Art. Javier, Ph.D., ABPP
St. John's University, Supervisor and Clinical Professor of Psychology, Center for Psychological Services and Clinical Studies.

Bilingualism and Social Context: An Introduction12
Is There a Bilingual Mind?31
The Bilingual Linguistic Organization46
Language Switching As a Communication61
Bilingual Memory and the Language of Affect71
Communication Through Interpreters92
Issues in Assessing the Bilingual Individual110
Treatment of the Bilingual Patients123
Future of Bilingualism: What Should be Our Response?133